Sunday, October 11, 2009

new songs, ahoy!

There are two, "She & Him" and "I Know You". As a preface, these new songs are by no means complete instrumentally. I just wanted them to venture out into the grand land of internets for a test run. Just an FYI, you can definitely hear me pause and turn the page of my songbook. Why can you hear it? Because I am retarded and forgot to cut that part out before rendering it. Why didn't I fix it? Well...I am lazy. And the song's coming down anyway when I re-record it and add THE VIOLIN!!!!!!

"I Know You" is just as raw but without any weird page-turns. However that will soon have a harmonica bit and a piano part as well.

I don't know why I'm cranking out the tunes...I've written four complete songs in the past month and about ten poems. I guess I've had a lot in my head that needed dumping out.

Anyways, the best is yet to come. My favorite new song I refuse to post until it is perfect perfect. I think you will enjoy's a duet about a day that was trying for both parties involved. A song about differing perspectives of the same, beautiful world.

Tomorrow I'll post the finished tablemarkers and a pretty picture of some birds that I drew today. Speaking of birds, I hope my friend Dustin Burd is okay. He is living in a tent in Yosemite and he climbs rocks all day. Hence why he is my hero, but I do miss him so. I hear he is coming into town, maybe in time for my birthday!

Oh, and any of my generous friends living overseas, let's arrange some sort of Djarum trade. I'll knit you a boat for a carton of Kretek cigarettes. Anyone interested in letting me in on some black market Blacks, please email me soon.

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