Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I wish my demons were that pretty...

Photoshoot with Valeria Caddell (assisted by Amanda Watts.)
She's making a calendar for her marine boyfriend and commissioned me to shoot all of her photos. They are supposed to be silly and cheesy. 
Here's my favorite edit so far!
Valerie Caddell - Calendar - Devil and Angel
We did the shoot in my room, but you'd never know it...

© 2009 Katherine Gehl Donovan


  1. What a cool gift idea. Great picture!

  2. Searching for a suitable image for my blog post today, I came across this photo of yours. I don't want to use it without your permission. Here's the post, which I have not yet published: http://douggeivett.wordpress.com/?p=4509&preview=true
